Sampek musical instruments

Dayak tribe has a variety of musical instruments, either in the form of stringed instruments, and inflatable o'clock. In the daily life of these tribes in the interior, the music is also an equally important tool for delivery purposes as well as worship and praise to the ruling, both to the spirits as well as human. In addition to music musical instruments are used to accompany various dances. Just as in the art of dance, the art of music even they have some form of rhythm, and certain songs to accompany a dance and certain ceremonies. Each tribe has its own uniqueness.
Cultivate a sense of music was played. Presents an excerpt of strings twang who broke the silence. Dayak people have a high sense of music. Traditional three-stringed musical taste has been processed.
Afternoon at Home betang. The clock has started leaning towards the west. The heat of the sun did not dampen attendance visitor device. They are still surging to watch cultural performances Dayak, which was held during the week. Tub of water to flow back and forth.
Not far from the stairs betang. A middle-aged man holding a traditional musical instrument Dayak community: sape or till. Dayak typical clothing adorned his body. He then played three who clutched a guitar strap.
"We're playing with flavors. Because the sape is not the same with most guitars. There are no stairs tone. Not everyone can play this instrument, "said Stephen, sape players coming from Malino Regency, East Kalimantan Province.
Sujarni Alloy, Dayakologi Institute researchers reveal, sape is a mythological in Dayak society. The diversity of ethnic groups, the increase characteristic of art and musical culture. He called the Dayak Kenyah wealth and who has a specific three-stringed musical with it.
Inhabiting Borneo Dayak wealth, both in the Deep River, Kapuas Hulu regency, West Kalimantan, Mahakam River, River wealth and surrounding areas in East Kalimantan and the Baram River, Telaang Usaan, Tubau and around Sarawak, Malaysia, has a unique musical art.
This tribe is big enough. In his group there are various subKayaan, among others, Punan, Kenyah and wealth itself. This tribe has a musical instrument called Sampek (people call this wealth Sape '). Sape 'is a stringed musical is not foreign in the eyes of the pelagiat art in both Indonesia and Sarawak, Malaysia.
Music sape 'which is owned by the Dayak wealth consists of two types. First, wide-bodied, small-stemmed, about one meter in length, has two strings / strap of plastic material. Sape of this type has four scales. "People often call it a sape wealth, as seen by the wealth," says Alloy.
While only a small body lengthwise. At its end are small with about 1.5 meters in length. People call it the sape 'Kenyah, as seen by the Kenyah. Sape 'has scales 11-12. The rope of guitar strings or other strings are fine, three to five strands.
Of the two types sape, the most popular is the Sape 'Kenyah. Because rhythm and sound that dilantunkannya can bring listeners were in the clouds. No wonder the old days, when night fell, young children play with both slowly on the road or along the length of the court house, so that the homeowner was asleep because it enjoyed it.
With the uniqueness of his voice, supposedly according to Dayak mythology wealth, Sape 'Kenyah, created by a person stranded in the essay (a small island in the middle of the river) because the boat sank in the lunge cascade. When the person who to this day not yet known who actually, along with his colleagues down the river, is expected in East Kalimantan.
Because they were unable to save the canoe from the cascade, and consequently sank. Of the many people, one of whom lives and save themselves kekarangan. While others died of tengelam and brought current.
When asleep, between the conscious and did not, he heard music so beautiful quotation from the riverbed. The longer he heard the voice, the closer the sound source distance also feels the music that made him curious.
Looks like he got the inspiration from ancestors of his ancestors. Returning home, he tried to make musical instruments and play them according to the lyrics of the song what he heard when the essay. From now on it Sape 'Kenyah started playing and became a musical tradition of the Dayak Kenyah, up to a group of other wealth. Now Sape "Kenyah it is not a familiar instrument.
When the party of the people or devices padai (ritual of thanksgiving for the harvest of rice) in this tribe, sape often played. The visitors were served with a graceful dance. Aksessoris hornbill feathers and ruai in the head and hands and beautiful beads large and small in traditional clothes and a necklace around your neck accompanied with music sape '.
This music is played by at least one person. Can also two or three people, so his voice is more beautiful. Type of music song sape 'It varies, usually according to the type of dance. For example Datun Julut music, the dance also Datun Julut and so forth.
There are several types of music songs sape ', including: Apo Lagaan, Isaak Pako' Uma 'Jalaan, Uma' Timai, Tubun Situn, Tinggaang Lawat and Tinggaang Mate. The names of these songs all the wealth and Kenyah language.
Ways of making sape 'actually quite complicated. Wood used must also be selected. In addition Pelaik wood (wood cork) or other types of clay timber, can also hardwood such as jackfruit, purchasing and other hardwoods.
The harder and a lot of wood tendon, then the resulting sound better than the clay timber. Flattened surface section, while the back of the hole is elongated, but not translucent surface. To find a good sound then the level of thick and thin edge surfaces must be equal, so the sound can vibrate uniformly, so that mengehasilkan cekup sound long and loud when picked.
According to V. AEM Jo Lirung Anya, a musician from Dayak wealth sape Deep River, Kapuas Hulu regency, West Kalimantan, is not uncommon maker sape 'always wrong to determine the quality of her voice.
While how to play it, is clearly different from how to play the guitar melody, because the fingers on only one string the same shift up and down. The musicians when memeinkan a song, just by feeling or viling only.
For the moment there are no specific guidelines that writing about music notation song. Music Recordings sape 'This could be in the can like Sarawak, West Kalimantan and East Kalimantan, in the form of cassette tape recorders or Compact Disk.
Currently sape 'not only can be played alone bersaman with other traditional music, but can also collaborated with modern music such as organ, guitar and even drums instead of drum. Currently sape 'can be purchased at craft stores, just that most of the sape' are no longer genuine and reliable, even no more than mere ornamental function.
And, still clanking strings sape. Age has been adopted it becomes the inspiration for the modern musician. .